Monday, October 12, 2009

Worn Tree

Worn tree trunk, sunset, Bass Lake, Sierra National Forest, California 2009

Worn tree trunk, sunset, Bass Lake, Sierra National Forest, California 2009

1.6 sec at f/16, focal length: 131mm, ISO 50, Aperture Priority,
- September 15, 2009 at 7:05pm PDT. Photographed with Canon EOS 5D Mark II, EF 70-200mm f/4L, Tripod Mounted


  1. John,

    Long time no talk. I haven't played with the Low ISO setting yet. Any differences in IQ?

    BTW - Outstanding shot!

  2. Gorgeous light and soft colors. This image really draws me in!

  3. @Jeff,

    It has been a while. I haven't been on twitter or facebook much lately either. How's the book coming along?

    As for the ISO, I'm not much of a "tester" but I don't notice any discernible difference between ISO's 50 & 100. I'm also incredibly pleased with ISO's up to 800 and never worry about pushing up to there if I need to. I generally shoot with the lowest ISO possible for what I'm trying to accomplish. In this case ISO 50 happened to work to get the shutter speed/aperature combo needed for maximum depth(without diffraction) and retaining texture in the water.


    Thanks Bob! It's a very interesting subject, isn't it?

  4. Very interesting image John. Glad to have discovered your blog, will be visiting often.

  5. Thanks for coming by Mark, and I hope you do visit more often! I checked your blog as well. Wonderful wildlife images!
